Europe is awakening to fascist ideas with the taking up of arms! Europe will once again go up in flames! Do not let it happen!
Europe is arming again! Europe wants war! With arms, fascism has reappeared in Europe, this time wrapped in a liberal cloak. Many still have the memory of more than eight decades when Europe was in flames, when the peoples of Europe were at war with each other. It was a European country that set the world aflame, let us not allow this European country to take up arms again!
A weapon means war, and with a weapon in hand it is very easy to take satisfaction for old grievances. There are many European countries that to this day feel a desire for revenge for the loss of their territory, for the displacement of their populations, and for the slaughter of their people.
Armed with a weapon, this desire for revenge is ready for action. We do not want to see the return of Europe’s darkest era, the Dark Ages! The European Union was created so that Europe could overcome its evil and put these dark years behind it for good, by giving a new basis for cooperation between the nations of our continent.
We must now see that it is the European Union that is taking up arms, it is the leadership of a united Europe that is the loudest when this terrible era seems to be reappearing. It is also thanks to this era of terror that European soldiers have been trampling, destroying and killing on Russian soil. Now, these same European countries are preparing with their soldiers for another war against Russia, which will be fatal not only for Europe, but for the whole world.
Let us not allow power to fall once again into the hands of those who are ushering in a period of emergency in Europe. Let us not allow fascism, which has long since lost its democratic way, to dominate Europe once again. Let all those who have not been captured by this militant fervour speak out, let all those who still have some common sense speak out and warn the current rulers of Europe to stop preparing for another world war! Europe is in the wrong hands!
Once again, Europe is being led by those who, having destroyed Europe ideologically, are now working on its physical destruction. Let us unite and beat the weapons out of the hands of those who are preparing to destroy Europe!
Let us show that the weapon of peace is stronger than the weapons of war! Let us show that there is still strength in the working class! Let us show that there is an international working class unity stronger than the war propaganda of the sword-wielders! There is no time for caution, for reflection, we must now openly take up the fight against the European bourgeoisie. Let’s show that “workers’ fists strike where they should!”
Barcs Endre