Ukraine must lay down its arms immediately and surrender unconditionally
Europe is caught between two fires, Putin threatening from the east, Trump from the west. The two enemies must be fought with different tactics, but the one Europe has chosen is the worst possible strategy. Europe is preparing to go to war with Russia to help Ukraine. This war, which is also a world war, because China, India and Turkey would immediately join Russia, would mean the certain destruction of Europe. Ukraine is not worth turning the whole of Europe into rubble.
Ukraine should take stock of its own situation and, above all, accept the fact that it cannot win this war against Russia. Nor has it won it so far, despite the war propaganda by the USA and Europe about ultimate victory and territorial integrity. This war will in any case end with the disarmament of Ukraine, and further blood sacrifice is unnecessary.
This war was created by the United States, just as Zelensky himself was brought to life by them as their own puppet, but the wheel of time has turned very sharply and now that Trump has come to power US interests have changed, Zelensky has become as redundant as the war itself. Therefore, the US thanks you very much, but it no longer needs the puppet Zelensky created by itself, nor Ukraine. Trump’s policy is reconciliation with Russia. Even the narrow-minded US foreign policy has realised that Russia has a much bigger economic presence in the US than Ukraine. This realisation was costly, costing the lives of tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainians and Russians.
Europe will not be able to keep the war alive. It does not have the strength. Arming countries that are massively indebted is suicide. It is not even feasible in five to ten years, and without US support Ukraine would not be able to sustain the war for so long. The best solution, therefore, is for Zelensky to be put aside, for the Ukrainian people themselves to take control of their own destiny by putting an end to this unnecessary, pointless war that benefits no one.
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