Liberal fascism in Europe at work: the EU, slavishly complying with US demands, wants to cut Hungary and Slovakia off from Russian gas by force
The Soviet-style European Commission, which operates with directives and sanctions, has, under US pressure, called on Ukraine to stop allowing Russian Lukoil products to pass through its territory, risking the oil supply of Hungary and Slovakia. The aim is for the European Union to completely switch from cheap Russian gas and oil to much more expensive but US-interested, liquid gas and oil.
Of course, the Soviet-style European Commission is lying now, too, when it hypocritically declares that ‘the sanctions imposed by Ukraine on the Russian oil producer Lukoil do not pose a risk to oil supplies to Hungary and Slovakia, as they do not affect oil shipments to Hungary via Ukraine.’
European Commission Vice-President for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis even wrote a letter to the Hungarian and Slovak Foreign Ministers stating in a sobering tone that “the Commission services have come to the preliminary conclusion that urgent consultations do not appear justified as there are currently no indications that there is an imminent risk to security of supply.”
This Commission’s mandate expires in November. Unfortunately, the composition of the European Parliament after this year’s elections is not such that the slightly enlarged and cordon sanitaire-banned opposition will be able to deprive candidates representing the liberal fascist ideology recommended by member states of taking over their portfolios.
Endre Barcs