European Defence Union: the European Union, once a Nobel Peace Prize winner, has become the main advocate of war!
The European Parliament’s far-liberal group, the European People’s Party, which claims to be a Christian Democrat, while at the same time spearheading the creation of a centralised supranational politburo, wants Europe to be able to defend itself, i.e. to contribute to peace by common armaments.
“If you want peace, prepare for war”, they say openly, while the subject is a dead issue, with the debate going on for decades about whether the EU should set up its army, alongside NATO. We see and experience that this attempt is failing, one after the other, and that the joint Franco-German army set up within the EU framework exists only on paper, has never held a joint military exercise and is the European Union Military Committee (EUMC), which is responsible for managing all military activities within the EU framework, in particular the planning and conduct of military missions and operations under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and the development of military capabilities, is, one might say, lost in a maze of bureaucracy.
In fact, what lies behind the idea of the EPP is not so much a preparation for war as an escape from the total economic collapse of the EU by the proclamation of a war lion.
“We must build a real European Defence Union”, says the EPP Group’s new strategy paper “A Europe that protects: a Europe that stands for real peace, building a real European Defence Union”, adopted unanimously by EPP MEPs on Wednesday.
To make their voices heard, they will not shy away from making unfounded threats:
“The EU’s defence capability is becoming crucial to growing global insecurity. We must be prepared for a military confrontation with Russia within six to eight years. This will not be possible without concrete action and political will. The EU, complementing NATO and together with the Member States, must increase defence production, replenish reserves and continue to help Ukraine win the war. Our challengers are watching us closely to see if we succeed or fail,” said Andrius Kubilius MEP, the EU’s Commissioner-designate for Defence and Space.
The EPP document stresses that Europe needs a real single European defence market, to think big and invest in the defence technology of the future. It points out that Europe needs more defence cooperation and integrated European capabilities, as well as more investment, smart regulation and industrial capacity building.
The European Union, once a Nobel Peace Prize winner, is now the main advocate of war!
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